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lunch with us, will you please

when i was recovering from this and eating the cleanest/healthiest way possible, my friends and family used to ask me "what are you eating?!". i could see the worry in their eyes. and when i gave them my answer (mostly whole grains and vegetables). I knew they pictured me with a boring plate of brown rice and steamed broccoli, plugging along through each meal and suffering like a modern martyr. and they were right, for a minute. preparing meals using only grains and veggies was a new thing for me- i ate a lot of boooorrring food at first. but then i started to play around with whatever seasonal veggies we brought home and imagining up the most delicious meals. like this one, our lunch today: a garlicky pile of sauteed collard greens topped with last nights roasted vegetables, some freshly cooked quinoa, heaps of avocado and dressed with our favorite homemade spicy balsamic vinaigrette. sweet, salty, spicy, WINNING!

i guess the cat's out of the bag, no boring plates 'round these parts! eating healthy, organic, local vegetables with lots of whole grains doesn't have to be a snoozefest, you just have to figure out how you love them most. and the possibilities seem endless: roasted, sauteed, raw, steamed, chopped, turned into soup, made into casserole, mixed into salad, piled into a bowl, baked into a patty, turned into a drink, inside outside upside down, wheeeeeeee!

Reader Comments (7)

that's my kind of meal! i love it!

February 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCaitlin

That looks and sounds incredible! The story of your illness & diet changes are so inspirational. I have really started looking forward to all of your foodie posts :)

February 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany

Looks great! WHat types of roasted veggies did you use?

February 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

thanks everyone! beth the roasted veggies were golden beets, red onion and leeks. YUM!

February 3, 2012 | Registered Commentersarah yates

looks so delish!! adore your food posts, and would love to see the recipe for spicy balsamic vinaigrette!!

February 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGreta

Oh, I completely understand. I went through a bit of some health dramatics myself. In it, I was advised [doctor ordered] to stop consuming dairy. Suddenly it was like all my options were limited to just grains and salad, since I was already a no-meat eater. Signed up to a weekly shipping of local organic seasonal veggies and got my self endless amounts of grains. It's actually quite yummy to discover all those new things! So cheer to ya!

(that plate looks AHmazing)


February 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterFi @ CLUSSSTER.com

NICE! We do a LOT of whole grains and veggies. in fact i try and make it my goal most nights. no wonder i have always found the food you instagramed so inciting. ;)

February 10, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjamie

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