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happy birthday sweet bean

ruca bean yates-mora turns 6 today!  i spent a good chunk of time a couple weeks ago updating this with some of bean's puppy pictures. and it brought me back to her sweet puppyhood and all the time we've spent together since.  i love this dog with an intensity that can be scary sometimes, you know how that is? she's been the best part of so many of my days, i can't imagine a life without her.  this is why it's critical that i raise 30K to clone her....i have plans for a kickstarter.  kidding! (only kind of)

part of the reason i got bean was because i was in the throes of a horrible depression.  the kind of depression that requires medication (i'll save that stroy for another day). but instead of pharmaceuticals i chose this dog.  this funny, sweet, smart and talented little beast.  and from the second she came into my life things started to turn around.  it's hard to stay depressed when you have to go to the dog park and worry about socializing a dog who starts wailing like a maniac the second she even sees another dog. there was no more barely dragging myself out of bed, she wanted to go on adventures.  no time for wallowing, there was cuddling to be had. i loved her more than myself so i obliged.

i've always felt that she saved me, this wonderful dog who shares her life with me, and i'm so so happy she did. and now, on this blog, i am so happy that i can share her amazingness with the world. she's something special. happy birthday my sweet ruca bean, i am forever changed because of your fuzzy love.

*i may or may not have been weeping for the entirety of writing this post.  

Reader Comments (21)

This is the sweetest post ever. I know what it's like to love an animal so much it hurts. Dogs are just the sweetest ever, all they want is to love you and be loved!

05/10/12 | 6:32 AM | Unregistered CommenterJamie

yes!!! we love our dog so much too. next to bean, he is the cutest dog alive :) So special to us. We are expecting our first child in August and I'm really nervous about how the dynamics will change between us and Jackie (our precious dog). Wish us luck!!

05/10/12 | 6:38 AM | Unregistered Commentersarah

what a sweet dog! I'm glad she could change your happiness, I know that I've had animals to do the same. happy birthday bean

05/10/12 | 6:46 AM | Unregistered Commentershelley

Congrats! :D

And such a sweet way you talk about Bean, i always feel kinda the same way about my dog.

05/10/12 | 7:2 AM | Unregistered CommenterHanneke @ Oh beautiful world

aww this is one of the most touching posts i've ever read. sweet and poignant. i've had my howard now for 4 years and i understand just how you feel - the little guy brings me so much happiness and i love him so intently it's kinda ridiculous.

05/10/12 | 7:31 AM | Unregistered Commenterkay*

This post made me tear up! Living alone can get lonely sometimes, but having my little puppy Peek-a-Boo around is like having a friend! That extra heartbeat in the house makes a world of difference.

05/10/12 | 8:2 AM | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

thanks so much everyone! i'm so glad to know i'm not the only dog mama whose heart is so full of love it hurts! and @sarah- congratulations! i have another friend who loves her dogs/cats with as much intensity as i do who just had her first baby, she said it didn't change a thing. and i believe her after the 1 million pictures of the baby WITH the dogs that i've seen on instagram and facebook. :)

05/10/12 | 8:15 AM | Registered Commentersarah yates

i feel you on this post.. my boston terrier reminds me daily of how fortunate we are to have each other. happy birthday bean.. <3

05/10/12 | 8:17 AM | Unregistered Commenterjenny

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